var $ = require("jquery"); var events = require("./events.js"); var diagram = require("./diagram"); $("#header>a#export").click(function(){ //export button clicked var fileSaver = require("file-saver"); var exported = require("./diagram/export.js")(); var exportedBlob = new Blob([exported], {type: "text/plain;chartset=utf-8"}) fileSaver.saveAs(exportedBlob, + ".json"); }); $("#header>a#import").click(function(){ $("#header>#importUpload").click(); //on import button click, trigger file open dialog }); $("#header>#importUpload").change(function(){ //when a file is selected var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function(){ require("./diagram/import.js")(reader.result); } reader.readAsText(this.files[0]); //read the file as text, this will call the above function when complete }); $("#header>a#projectName").click(function(){ do{ = prompt("Please enter a name for the diagram",; } while(!; //keep asking for a new name until a valid one is entered $("#header>a#projectName").html(; }); events.subscribe("diagramImport", function(){ //update displayed name when new diagram imported $("#header>a#projectName").html(; });